Friday, May 27, 2011

Sean McCann interview and a couple of sincere, simple songs.

Thought it was time for an update on the blog, so I looked around youtube and found these videos. According to Sean we(the fans) got Alan birthday wrong - apparently he is 56 ;) Sorry Seannie but think you need to check your calendar on that :)

Another thing I do not agree with Sean on is this interview, is that he is not the funny one - cause he diffinatly is. I am not trying to say Alan is not funny cause he is, but so is Sean. I actually think Sean's humor is closer to mine (the danish maybe even) than Alan's even though he got me rolling on the floor at times to. But YES Sean it must be nice for you to get a chance to talk - cause your friend he sure do talk alot ;D

Talking aside here is a few beautiful songs from his solo album - Son of a Sailor recorded that same day.

An amazing son and my favourite lyric of his after Long Road :)

And this song just gets me everytime - maybe because it kinda reminds me of my own grandparents who has also past on.

One thing is for sure Mr McCann sure got the songwriting down :)

Cheers Karina :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Birthday Poem for Alan Thomas Doyle

 I remember that day, almost nine years ago, I was feeling lost,  my life moving in slow mo
Then by chance, one morning at school, I saw a poster, and on it was you.
 An evening with Alan Doyle, and his guitar; I'd heard the name, I knew you were a star
The price for the evening, a scant ten bucks, but it was more than worth it, just my luck
 From the very first time I heard from you sing, I knew exactly what it was I had to do
Become a fan of you and Great Big Sea, it was as simple as two plus two
 You were only in your 30s then, not married, and no kids at that point
But over the years you have been blessed, you now have a son, and your beautiful wife
 The years have been kind to you and although you're getting older its true
You're getting better with age Alan, Happy Birthday number forty-two!

Writers note: I did a poem for Alan on his 40th birthday, two years ago today. Now that he is on Twitter, and can read these sorts of things, I figured it was time to do him one for this birthday. If you read this Alan, Happy Birthday from me, and all your fans here at Great Big Sea of Fans. :

Cheers, Krista Eddy

Sunday, May 15, 2011

6 years anniversary!!

This week was my 6th year anniversary of being a gbs fan :) And I thought it should be celebrated with the vid of where I first came in contact with the band.
Alan doing songwriter's circle with Bruce Guthro (Lead-singer of Runrig whom was my mom's fav band for years untill she saw Great Big Sea!)

Cheers Karina :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rocking the front row!

A post by Carolyn R. Parsons - check out her blog Breeze Daze

Sean McCann at the Starlight in Waterloo, May 11, 2011
Last night (may 22) I sat at the front of the stage at a little table with a Guinness and a good friend and we watched Sean McCann and Jeremy Fisher perform.  Sean had a guitar and his bodhran.  Jeremy had his guitar and a harmonica.  That was it.  It was perfect.

For those who don't know, Sean is one third of the band Great Big Sea.  Back about 15 years ago I became a huge fan of GBS and travelled all over Ontario, into the US and even Newfoundland to see them play.  I spent all but one show in the front row(I was in second row for that one).  This was an entirely different thing though.  Sean is a folk musician and songwriter in his heart and the desperately wild shows of GBS back in those days consisted of long lines with no bathroom breaks and squished hands and feet, a little molestation by drunken concert goers and much frantic fun and excitement.

Jeremy Fisher
 Last night we were in a line up of about 8 and only then because the doors were about to open.   My friend didn't want the front row but the table was open and, well, I'm a front row kind of gal!

It was amazing.  Because we were right at the stage it was easy to chat back and forth with the guys and Sean McCann was in the mood for conversation.  And since I rarely shut up it was a match made in heaven.  The highlight was when he asked if there were any Newfoundlanders and I spoke up yes. He was telling about where he came from and then asked where I was from.  When I said Change Islands his eyes softened and he said "Wow, gorgeous place, it's beautiful there.

Jeremy and Sean
 Lately I've been caught up in music a lot.  Live music.  I always have music playing.  And recently a few of my poems have been set to music, the first in February by my friend April Lindfors and then recently two more by Canadian folk musicians including well known Newfoundland entertainer, Terry Rielly.  Whether they will be recorded is yet to be seen but I love that my poetry is considered good enough to be made into a song and it's particularly gratifying since I have no particular musical skills at all.  I do have a deep love for music though, and I guess, being a poet, a great admiration for great songwriting specifically.

I've always been a small venue girl, preferring bars and pubs and outdoor festivals to theatre performances.  I've seen Jim Cuddy at the Horse Shoe in Toronto and enjoyed the intimacy of that and the opportunity to chat as well.  And oddly enough, seeing Sean all those years ago at all those shows, I never talked to him.  Last night it was like seeing an old friend and when I received a tweet from him this morning saying "Carolyn, thanks for rockin' the front row" I smiled, remembering all those long ago front rows I've rocked in the past! 

Sean McCann rocking his bodhran
Songs are also like old friends.  I cannot hear Sweet Caroline without thinking of my friend Dona who sang it to me every time we saw each other after a separation.  Some people have many songs that remind me of them and give me a smile. Great Big Sea got me through some hard times and I can't hear their recording of "Lukey's Boat" without tapping my toes and smiling.  I think music is the human race's best gift.  Not everybody enjoys art or reading or hockey or any of the many other creative pursuits we all have inside but almost everybody loves music.  We may like different genres but we all love music. So many of the special times of our lives are bookmarked by the song that was playing at the moment.  So often songs transport us back to that place, that time, the emotion we were feeling while it played as a backdrop for whatever we were doing and whoever we were with.  It gets embedded like a gemstone in a special piece of jewelry that you take out and admire and wear, then tuck away until you're ready to remember again.

I remember once reading somewhere that we all have music inside us.  But in this quote it meant the music that we were meant to play in our lives. We are meant to do that thing that makes our heart dance and sing.  For me it's writing, for others it may be painting or sculpting or photography and, yes,  even actual music. 

I had a face book friend who used to spend his days and nights playing his guitar.  Last night his face book wall said "I can't believe I gave up playing guitar for years".  How many of us give up those things we love the most because, well we're grown up now and we  must be responsible.  No we don't have to quit our day jobs but we have to incorporate our passions into our lives.  Those who have a drawing in their heart must draw and those who have a book in their heart must write.  It is how we become satisfied.  It is our own personal song that we have to sing to be happy in this life.  Find your song and start to play it.  It's not about being good.  It's not about doing it so others can admire it.  It is to get the joy in the doing!

I'm finished with my musical excursions in Ontario for a while and in about six weeks I'll be leaving here.  My next big adventure will probably be the George Street Festival in St John's this summer.   Sean will be back with his band mates and Great Big Sea will perform.  It's been ten years since I've seen them live, an entire decade and I've missed them.  I'll be a resident then. 

I certainly looking forward to rockin' the front row  once again! 

Full credit for text and pictures goes to Carolyn R. Parson!

Great Big Sea of Fans thanks Carolyn for her help and recommend you swing by her blog. If you too wanna guest blog feel free to contact us - see how under "Our own true way".

Cheers Karina

Friday, May 13, 2011

What's your favorite album??

Okay finally I got around to getting the first poll up and running. It'll run until may 22 and please vote :) If you want you can leave a comment under this post explaning your choice!
And now time for a plee - since I live in Denmark I don't get to attend concerts :( But if you do (Sean aswell as the band) please let us know if you want a review posted on the blog. Full credit will be given. Pictures and vidoes are more than welcome too :)

Cheers Karina